Atheist knowledge from the man who eats more babies and sciences harder than any other atheist.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Puzzles for Pleasure #2- Hotel Infinity
One day, when every room was occupied, a space pilot on his way to deep space nine (or something) dropped by to spend the night. Even though there was no vacancy, the hotel manager simply notified every guest to move the the room number that was one higher than their current room.
This left room 1 open for the pilot.
The next day, 10 couples on their honeymoon showed up. The hotel manager did the same, only notifying everyone to move to a room number ten higher than their current room, leaving 1 through 10 available to the honeymooners.
The next day, an INFINITE number of guests seek lodging. Is it possible for the hotel manager to accept an infinite number of guests when the hotel already is lodging an infinite number?
In set theory, no finite set can be put into one to one correspondence with any of its subsets. This means that, if you have a set of 100 colored objects, and within those is a subset of 20 blue objects, you cannot match one blue object to each of the 100 colored objects. Common sense, right?
Well, this is not true for infinite sets. They violate the rule that a whole is greater than any of its individual parts, and an infinite set can be defined as any set which can be put in one to one correspondence with one of it's subsets.
In this case, what the manager should do is move every guest to the room number TWICE as large as their current room number. This moves every one of the infinite guests into an even numbered room, leaving the entire infinite set of odd numbered rooms vacant. Thus, he is able to accept the infinite number of new guests, adding infinity to infinity.
This demonstrates how the infinite set of individuals currently lodging can be placed into one to one correspondence with the subset of all even numbered rooms.
I hope you've enjoyed this installment of puzzles for pleasure. As a bonus, see below:
Can the rational number line (an infinite set consisting of all numbers which are not irrational- numbers like 1.001, 3.11111111111111777773, 4, and 5/3 are rational. Pi and phi are not, because they cannot be expressed as the ratio of two whole numbers) be placed in one to one correspondence with the natural numbers(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)?
Remember, one to one correspondence is matching each member of a set one for one with a member of another set...
To answer this question, you may want to research the concept of Cardinality and Aleph Numbers.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Puzzles for Pleasure #1- The Prediction
Can a fortune teller see the future in his crystal ball?
Let's say a fortune teller, Genie, has a teenage daughter, call her Mary, whom he has promised to buy a car for when she graduates school.
One day, Mary tells her father that he's a fake who can't tell the future, and challenges him to a test:
She writes something on a piece of paper and locks it into a box. She says, "I've written down an event that will either happen or not happen before sundown." She hands him a blank piece of paper, and says "If the event will happen, write "yes," if it will not, write "no." If you are wrong, buy me a car now, if you are right, don't buy me one at all."
Genie says it's a deal.
He writes something on the card, and at sundown Mary unlocks the box. Genie reads what she wrote:
"Before sundown, you will write NO on the card."
"You've tricked me!" declares Genie. "I wrote YES, so I was wrong, but if I'd written NO I'd be wrong too!"
Mary used her new sports car to drive across country and never went back to her crazy Dad's house.
The original version of this story is about a computer that can only respond "true" or "false" (which is exactly how computers work). We ask it to tell us whether it's next response will be "true," or "false." Since it is not possible for the prediction to be correct, the computer spends ten thousand years thinking and spits out "42," or something like that.
We can reduce this paradox to the question "Will the next word you speak be "no?" Please say "yes" or "no.""
This is a disguised version of the well known "liar" paradox. The liar paradox arises when one states "this sentence is false." It is what is known as a semantic, or truth-value, paradox.
The fun thing about semantic paradoxes is that they can all be rephrased as set theory paradoxes. The sentence, "this statement is false," for example, can be rephrased as "this assertion is a member of the set of all false assertions."
Every semantic paradox has a set theoretical analog and vice versa.
I hope you have enjoyed this first installment of "Puzzles for Pleasure."
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Atheism 101: The Thomistic Cosmological Argument
Theist logic |
Friday, April 18, 2014
A God Atheists Can Believe In
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Atheism 101: The Anthropic Principle
Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t, but I guarantee you that you’ve heard theists arguing for god because they don’t understand it.
You could just read the Wikipedia article, here, and I encourage you to do so, but that page doesn’t address the Anthropic Principle from the perspective of atheism.
So, what is it? In short:
It’s the philosophical position that the universe couldn’t be any other way than the way it is right now.
It sounds like a presumptuous statement, until you understand why we make it.
From a theist’s point of view, the universe has been fine tuned by some god in order to support the existence of life. It is true that a universe which deviated in the slightest from this one’s fundamental constants would not support life as we know it. Were the strengths of the fundamental forces any different, stars would not form, matter may not even exist, and the universe would be nothing more than a vast expanse of space and energy.
A theist, confronted with the precise nature of this universe’s tendency toward creating life concludes that the “fine tuning” of this universe is evidence of god’s hand.
The more reasonable way of looking at this, however, is to simply observe that, were it any different, we would not be here to notice. That’s it. It’s that simple.
Those who reject the anthropic principle assume that a universe has to be fine tuned to support life because they suspect that precision is improbable. There is no reason to assume that.
We know nothing about universe creation. We don’t know how to do it, we don’t know how these constants are decided and we don’t know how many universes there are. For all we know there are a trillion trillion universes in existence which don’t meet the requirements to support the development of life, and just this one which does.
What are the odds, in that case, that we would find ourselves in the needle in the haystack, that we would be so fortunate as to come to existence in the one, improbable, chance universe that can support life amongst the infinitude which can’t? Why, 100 percent of course. After all, there is no other way it could be. In order for life to exist, it must exist in a universe which is habitable and caters to its own existence. To that particular life form, the universe may appear “fine tuned.”
Perhaps those individuals might take a moment to consider that maybe they are fine tuned to the universe.
After you allow the self evident nature of the anthropic principle to sink in, I suggest that you investigate it beyond the scope of this article. Some of the philosophical implications of it are fascinating, including the idea that life is necessary for a universe to exist.
Before moving on to the practical applications of the anthropic principle in discourse with theists, I’ll close my section on what it is with a quote from Michael Frayn,
“ It's this simple paradox. The Universe is very old and very large. Humankind, by comparison, is only a tiny disturbance in one small corner of it - and a very recent one. Yet the universe is only very large and very old because we are here to say it is... And yet, of course, we all know perfectly well that it is what it is whether we are here or not.”
When will this come up?
It’s a common refrain from theists to suggest that the fine tuned universe is evidence of god. Someone who hasn’t studied the anthropic principle may find themselves disarmed when confronted by detailed explanation from a theist as to how precisely the fundamental constants of the universe are “tuned” to enable human life. Understanding this position allows retort.
How can I use it in a discussion about god?
Honestly, it’s an advanced concept. I don’t know why I chose it as my first Atheism 101 post(I do- I brought it up because everyone should know about it), but it’s definitely not the best go-to for general discussion. It’s difficult to explain, and I’m having a hard time explaining it here, so I recommend being aware of it and bringing it up when you are talking with the sort of theist who wants to discuss fundamental constants as an aspect of their defense of god.
Are there downsides to this argument?
Unfortunately, yes. For starters, it is not testable. If a theist asks you to “prove it,” you won’t be able to. It is a logical inference that we make when considering the nature of life and the prerequisites for its existence. It is also a dangerous cop out for scientists, as saying “it can’t be any other way” might discourage one from finding physical explanations for observed phenomena.
Just remember: The burden of proof is not on you. Don’t lean on the anthropic principle as the crux of your argument, just be aware of it as a retort and keep the burden where it needs to be- on the believer. While you may not be able to prove the anthropic principle, it is a reasonable observation and a suitable retort to theists who took Physics 101 and are amazed at how purposefully god designed our universe.
How should I word it if I bring it up?
However suits you, but you could always quote me:
“Were it any different, we would not be here to notice.”